Monday, June 2, 2014

Going to the Chapel...........

It's wedding season!  Our friends daughter, was married this past weekend.  We were blessed to help them with the wedding and then, witness their sweet union.  I love weddings!!  We have watched this young girl grow into an amazing young lady.  She is beautiful, talented, sweet and kind. They both love Jesus and He is the center of their lives and new marriage.  They are a precious couple and it will be fun to watch them continue to grow in their love. 
Congratulations Glynne & Kyle!!
( They are soooo cute!)
(Beautiful photo by Skyler Livingston, posted with brides permission)
 It just seems like yesterday, that I married my true love.  I prayed for the right man and when he came, he was everything I ever dreamed of.... and more!  I knew he was "the one", right from the start.  We dated for five months, and he asked me to marry him.  We said "I do", close to a year after we met.  He loves me for who I am..... faults and all.  He makes me want to be a better person.  He loves the Lord and he is a good man.  He is gracious, kind and easy going.  He is strong in his beliefs and loyal to the ones he loves.  He said vows before our God, our family and friends... and he stands firm in them.  He is a great father.  He is thoughtful, smart and hard working.  He is romantic and loving. He takes my breath away and makes my heart flutter... (especially, when he is running to get to me, so we can dance to our song!.... like he did at Glynne & Kyles reception).  He makes me feel beautiful. He makes me feel adored.  He is funny and happy.  He makes me laugh. He makes me feel safe and protected.  He is a good provider. He is not perfect, but he is perfect for me!
We've been together 20 years.... married for 19!  It doesn't seem that long, but I can't really remember my life without him!  I know I'm blessed to have such a good man.  I know there are days that I make his life complicated and frustrating!  Thankfully, he loves me through every season... the good, bad and the ugly!..... the happy, the sad and the hard seasons.  He said the vows ....and he honors them. I loved that day!...... and I love to watch others say those vows to each other. It's such a meaningful and magical moment, when we are allowed to watch those intimate, big promises, that are made to one another. 
I love the brides entrance and the way her groom looks at her for the first time. I love the songs.... they usually make me teary. I love it when the flower girl or ring boy do or say something funny during the ceremony.  I love the flowers and the decorations.  I love the rings and the sweet words.  I love the first kiss! I love the dancing...........I love it all!  It's such a sweet reminder of precious time in life.
This is one of my favorite pictures.  It captured how much he adores me and I find that overwhelming and precious at the same time.  I hold his heart, just as he does mine... and that's a big, yet joyous responsibility. 

"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"
Hold tight to the ones you love!  Have a happy day!


  1. That is an AWESOME picture! We were so happy when Gunar came into the picture. We knew he was the one. It was such a fun wedding day! I honestly don't know how I didn't realize it 20 years ago!

  2. 20 YEARS AGO!!?? Wow- I think I was pregnant with Renee on your wedding day!

  3. I should have specified.... We were together for a year before we got married... .so we've been together for 20 and married for 19, the past April! It sure goes fast!!!

  4. Love this! Love both wedding pictures!!!! It's so refreshing to hear a lady talk so adoringly about her husband, especially after 20 years of being together. We love you both!!!!! -Billie

    1. Thanks Billie! I've heard you say some of the same things about your sweet man! We feel so blessed to have friends who honor each other with the things they say and how they treat each other. We love YOU both!!!!
