Thursday, January 11, 2018


My husband has encouraged me lately, to make time for dinner and lunch dates with friends.  I tend to be a homebody, especially during the winter months.   I have made a dedicated effort, and have been delighted to catch up with friends (old/new) and family.  It is such a fun thing to reminisce with people who really know you, or have known you; your whole life.

 Recently, a group of my dear friends got together for dinner.  We talked about a wide spectrum of topics.  Funny stories about our children, grandchildren, parents,  childhoods, faith, husbands, dates, jobs...etc.  I loved asking and hearing answers to questions about their lives... just catching up.  We all stay in touch, but not on a daily basis.  I am so thankful that each of us has the desire to continue to be in each others lives and share a friendship. This group included a pair of sisters that I started elementary school with, remaining friends through graduation.  We even lived together briefly.  It was interesting to watch them sometimes go back and forth on the details of a story or memory... each of them remembering it a little differently.  

Later that evening, I watched my favorite show... This is Us.  ( My husband refers to it as my therapy hour, as I cry pretty much every week, while watching it.❤)  I DO love that show!  One of the siblings talked about how he wished their childhood had been filmed.  Then whenever one of them disagreed on the details of how they remember something happening... they could say "let's go to the film".  Wouldn't that be awesome?!  I actually do that now... kind of... with my husband... and Google...... of course, we KNOW the Internet is always right!  Well, it usually is on actors, or movies that we are disagreeing about!  

Anyway.... perception is a funny thing.  I heard Dr. Phil say that "perception becomes your reality".  It really stuck with me. He went on to clarify, that it might not be accurate or the truth, but it becomes what you VIEW as truth.  If you tell yourself something enough times... it becomes your truth.  Regardless if it is true!  Those words, spurred me to ponder some of the hard times in my look at it from a different view.  Is it possible, that I chose to see it in only the light that would benefit me?  Did I pause, before I dug my heels in ...."knowing" that I was right and justified in indignation?  Hard questions to ask.  

Things I've observed and learned about perception.  It can take over your life.  It CAN become your reality. The things you whisper to yourself....  the way you believe.. ("PERCEIVE")  that people see you... and the way you FIXATE on that view.... that WILL become what YOU see.....when you gaze into the mirror.  No one's voice is louder in your head... than your own. Not only what you tell yourself, but what you perceive about others. 

Think about that.

 Have you judged someone, from what a good friend or family member, has told you? Your perception has been tainted.  It's something that most of us have done. We talk in confidence with friends and family... not realizing that our words, our comments., our tone.. our tainting anothers perception. We’ve all been on the other side if that, as well. It’s a frustrating place to be.

It's hard when we are not judged by the same standard we profess to hold.  

I fall flat on my face most days.  I am incredibly thankful for grace and second chances. I am striving to hold myself accountable and to be humble enough to look from the other side. Perception is a funny thing though... it has a stronghold and is sometimes anchored in arrogance.  Arrogance that clouds honesty and self awareness.  It would be amazing if we could "go to the film" or even Google something that we perceived differently, than another.

Sometimes the biggest lie we tell ourselves, is the very thing we can't/won’t let go of.  

If you read this.... thank you, for following my blog... and thank you for following my ramblings!  I don't profess to have words of wisdom! I don't profess to be a  writer!  Just sharing my thoughts.
I'm still learning & growing.

Be kind...  We are all in this together! 


  1. Great stuff, Di! Humility in our spirits keep us reliant on Christ because as I was reminded in my devotion a few days ago, His power is made perfect in my weakness. I am weak and I make a lot of mistakes. Mistakes will stay mistakes if I don't acknowledge them and run to Christ asking for his help and to show His power in me. I'm glad you got to hang out with your old friends. That is very fun! Love you!


  2. Yes! Thank you for transparency. Thank you for being humble & open to accountability. Its not always fun, but makes us relateable & better people. My friend says, it makes us easier to mold. I dont want to be dried up clay..., I still need my Fathers hands.

  3. This really spoke to me. Loved it. And we need to make plans for a lunch or dinner date!!!

    1. Thank you! I would love to meet for a visit or lunch anytime!!!
