Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thanksgiving Memories

When I sit and think about it, I can almost feel the wind on my face, as I run towards the house.  I can smell the pine trees and hear my feet slapping the concrete in the garage.  I can feel the warmth on my face, as I open the door... and then the smells.   The smell of turkey, hot bread, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pie and others.... that swirl into deliciousness. ( Is that a word? ).  The smell of my Granddads pipe... it lingers in the air and wraps around me, as I flop on to the sofa. I have followed men with pipes, around a bit of a nostalgic trance ( discreetly! )   I LOVE that smell.  
 Some aromas, live in your heart forever.
I think I knew from an early age,  how very special those holidays were at my Granddad & Grandma Kelley's house.  We had a big family...... 17 cousins!  My uncles would sit in the living room,  and eventually, go out to look at someones new car ( usually Uncle Hubies! ).   My aunts were all in the very small kitchen.... creating all those yummy aromas and chatting.  The guest bedroom and office were full of all my cousins. We spent most the time laughing, talking and making up games.  There weren't many toys there, but we didn't seem to miss them. The office had a little leather ottoman with 5 or 6 toys in it. There was a bowling ball set that was in there,  for as long as I can remember.  It was hard to play on that crazy blue carpet though! The pins wouldn't stand up, on their own for very long.  I also remember a teddy bear, it smelled like the pipe ( sigh ).
We would hang out and eventually, my Granddad would come back (with an apron on ) and round us all up.  THIS IS THE PART I LOVE......We would sit around a huge table.  My Grandparents added card tables, so we were all able to sit together.  We even had lawn chairs at the end. It didn't seem odd then!  That's a lot of people to sit!  My Dad said the prayer and we would  eat all that yummy food.  My Aunt Betty always made a pistachio salad.  I'm sure some of the other aunts had something special they brought each time, but I only remember that dish. My Grandparents always had whip cream in the can too! I remember the sound it made, while if foamed small peaks and mountains, onto slices of pie. There was a lot of talk and laughter.  I remember the warmth of the sun that streamed through the big picture window.  I don't remember ever being cold at my Grandparents house, it was always warm there.    
It was idyllic.... Memories lit with the glow of the past, resembling old photographs.  I hold them close to me.  I won't forget where love gathered. Oh, how I'd bargain.... to return for a moment.... to look through the window..... and catch a glimpse of that girl....the girl that KNEW.. that everything  important... was in that room. Life was simple and perfect... if only for the moment.
This picture makes my heart hurt... I miss my Grandma so much! ( 1977 )
 ( 1978 )
12 of the 17! ( 1979 )
Blue carpet and a silver Christmas tree!  Oh... I also see a lawn chair!

( 1980 )
We are blessed!  I have an amazing family!  Thank you for the sweet memories. I treasure and love each of you! 
Have a happy week!


  1. Sweet . . . I love those pictures. I told Justin we should get a white Christmas tree like Granddad and Grandma had. I didn't realize it was silver. Either way, I told him we should go retro. I always thought they were so cool having that tree instead of a green one. Neat memories. I love being with family! On a side note, I see Spencer in you A LOT on that third picture that has just the grandkids in it. And look at the expression on Lisa's face in that one too. I'm looking forward to Thanksgiving. I just wish we still lived at that house so our kids could bowl down the hallway like we did. ~Beth

    1. Do you remember that the tree had a little color wheel behind it? It would rotate and project 3 or 4 different colors on to the tree. Wouldn't it be fun to be able to jump around in time a little? It was fun to see some of these pictures. I got to hang out with Uncle Brian & Aunt Barbara too... we had a nice time chatting. Thanks for being a faithful reader.... you are my only one! ha!!! I love being with family too.

  2. Wow, in the 1979 picture, who is that devastatingly handsome tall guy in the back in the blue shirt?

    1. That's my big brother... he's still devastatingly handsome!....and humble.
