Thursday, February 8, 2018

Paper Hearts

We've been putting up Valentine decorations... lots of hearts.  My littles are 7 and 5 years old.  They are so excited about our upcoming Valentines Day party.  It's almost like Christmas... with all the anticipation!  We started a new tradition last year.  I taped a new "message" paper heart on their door each day in February, until Valentines day. They look forward to seeing a new heart, when they wake up.  It made me start thinking about the importance of the words we use.


A heart is a fragile thing...

The simplest praises, such as "U Rock" and "U R Cute"... elicit such big smiles.  You see their countenance change... even the skip in their skippity walk.  It changes who they are and how they see themselves.  It's so important to them... the way we see them.  Most parents are good at praising.  It comes easily, because we love them so much. I wish I could say that I've never lost my temper, or said things when I'm frustrated or tired... things that left a little mark on their hearts.  We've all heard that saying..."one negative word, cancels out ten positive ones".  Those words haunt parents. We want our children to feel loved....every minute of every day. 

Hearts are as fragile as the paper, that we 
write those little love notes on.  

I love that there is grace and second chances.... and the opportunity to be accountable and apologize. THOSE words are very powerful!  It's so important for our children to know that we make mistakes  sometimes.  Equally important, that we verbalize it and ask for their forgiveness. I do not want my children to grow up thinking their feelings are more important than anybody else.  We model the behaviors that we teach, and... accountability is a large part of all healthy relationships.

Is it easy?!  Not always! Sometimes, it takes me a little longer to get there. (hours, days, weeks...etc).  But, it sure is humbling...and freeing.  It also gets easier and easier. Not one of us is perfect... thankfully!  What a hard world to live in... one where we actually believed that we NEVER did anything wrong!  That's what is wonderful about grace..... the ability to give it AND to receive it!

What I've learned over many years.. (and I'm still learning!)  If you want to erase or fade, the marks on your heart... maybe, it's time to see if you left some as well.  Maybe the accountability you are looking for, is also waiting on you. Be the first to offer forgiveness and grace. You might be surprised at what happens, to those little grudge marks.  It's never too late to do your part in making it right.

I want my children to see me fail, and then see me make amends.  I want them to know that, they are going to fail sometimes, and that's okay.  I want them to have the power and desire to rectify their errors. Life is not always written on paper hearts with sweet words.  There is significance and value in each of the words we choose to use.

I hope you have many beautiful words written on your heart!
and I hope the negative ones have faded ...

Have a Happy Valentines Day! 


1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of putting hearts on their doors! It is a great way to make sweet memories, but they will remember that tradition and it will be special to them.

