Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Happy New Year!

Well...  I didn't do a very good job in 2017.... or 2016!  I still take many, many pictures of my children.  However, Instagram has become my social go to.  It's so easy to edit and post pictures. I love to to see pictures from old and new friends. I will include several pictures in this post for those of you who don't do Instagram. 

I am so thankful for my kiddos.  My first baby is graduated and going to college ( and working a lot ). He shares a little house with his best friend.  We miss him dreadfully, but it helps knowing that he is only a couple minutes away! He takes time to visit, call and text his mama.  It makes my heart happy to know he misses us too, even in his new found freedom!  Independence is important.  I think everyone should live on their own for awhile. I am so proud of him.  He is an amazing young man. He has a kind heart and always looks to help others. 

I am so thankful for the two little people that still live here. They make me smile and laugh everyday.  The days pass so quickly.  I only blinked a couple times and my first one....flew the nest. What I wouldn't give to have him back in my arms, if only for a few hours.  These two littles... they squirm and think I hug them too long sometimes.  But, I know... just how quickly they will outgrow my lap. Yes, the days can be crazy!  I'm not a young mom... but, I'm so grateful for it all.  Only 8 short years ago.... I had accepted that it wasn't going to be.  I had a beautiful child and he was more than enough... and I was so thankful for him. 

Thank you Jesus, for all that I have. I still remember (vividly) the prayers for the extra blessings I now have. 

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I hope your days are full of many reasons to smile. 
 Choose JOY


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