Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Catch a mommy by the toe!

Yesterday morning, I stumbled into the kitchen blurry eyed and still half asleep... Thatcher wanted some breakfast.  After I poured his milk, I was walking to the table.... when something grabbed ahold of my big toe!!  I started jumping and screaming and trying to kick it off.  IT WOULD NOT COME OFF!  I am kicking my foot, as I'm hopping... and shrieking!!  While visions of GINORMOUS spiders danced through my head! I'm going back and forth across the kitchen, spilling milk everywhere!  Thatcher started WAILING!  I finally stopped kicking, since, whatever had my toe was not letting go!  I look down and discovered, that the ring from the top of the milk carton, was the culprit!  Yes, I. AM. A. DORK!!  I started laughing so hard, I was crying... and Thatcher just stared at me wide eyed. I'm kept telling him, over and over... "It's okay! Mommy's fine". There was milk all over the walls, counter and floor of the kitchen. Now, Thatchers afraid to go into the kitchen by himself!  In my defense, it was the side of the ring with the little "sticky hands"....which sure felt like a big ole something! I don't think I can really ever describe how it actually looked and went down!  My husband and Spencer sure enjoyed the
reenactment though!  
I hope you have many reasons to smile and laugh today! 

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