Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Watching my nephew and friends children graduate, bring a couple of different emotions to me. I'm a little sad to see them leave their carefree childhood behind.  I'm excited to see the young adult, they have become.  I'm a little scared to see them head off into the world... on their own! It takes me back several years to when I was taking those steps across the stage.  I remember very clearly, dressed in cap and gown... cameras flashing and thinking....."what now?" 
On my own........
As a very young child, I knew I wanted to be a wife and mother.  I don't remember wanting to "be" anything else.  I did well in school, without much effort... but, I had no desire to keep going to school, after I was free not to!  I just always KNEW what my plan was.  My mom wanted all of her girls to live on our own or go to college, find out who we were, and learn to take care of our self.  Her generation married very quickly after high school, and started families. (That's the plan I had! ). She stressed the importance of being out "on your own", and finding out who "you are".  I took her words to heart (surprisingly!) and I'm thankful, that I did.  It was a wonderful time of my life.  I discovered independence, security, a good work ethic, personal accountability, freedom, financial wisdom and most of all, so much about myself. It's liberating, to find out that you are more.... MORE than the second born child, MORE than the "stubborn one"....MORE than how you've been defined, from/by others your whole life!  It is amazing the person you become, in just a couple short, but very important years. 

  There were sweet men that I dated, that I could have married earlier in my life.  I could have followed what I thought my heart the time!  When I prayed, I could have convinced myself that he was the right one.... and I did try that a couple times!  I'm so happy, that he wasn't!  I'm thankful for each of those sweet men, that cared for me and walked beside me briefly, while I became the woman I was meant to be. And while I waited for the right one.... Someone dear to me, told me... "You may love one person... or many in your lifetime, and just because you love them, does not mean that you are meant to love them forever."  I will NEVER forget those words.  Each of those relationships brought something special to my life,  and I learned from the season that we shared. I also learned that Gods plan and timing, are sometimes different from mine and the desires of my heart! Why did I forget that so many times over the years?!  Maybe I don't learn easily!! (are you laughing?!)
I still cherish those years!  There were so many people that shared those different seasons of my life. Some of them are still in my life, and some have gone. I learned something from each of them.  I had so much fun!  I was successful on my own.  I learned about life and about myself. I felt ready for each new chapter in my life.... And I was ready when God brought me to my man... an AMAZING man!  Soooo worth the wait!!!  I was definitely ready for that exciting, new journey!!

That's part of MY story.  I'm excited to see the next chapter for these new graduates. I pray for growth, wisdom and protection, as they head out into this big world! May they have a wonderful time on THEIR unique journey!! 


Here is our nephew and new graduate, Drew (with some proud grandparents!)

We love you Drew, and can't wait to see the big things that
God has planned for your life!!


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