Saturday, May 10, 2014

Speaking and Running


This month is really busy already.  Spencer was the last of 4 speakers at our church on Student Led Sunday.  We were really proud of him.  He showed great maturity and composure for a 15 year old. He did a really good job. He had one little slip of the tongue, but I don't think most people heard it. I didn't hear it, he told me about it later.  He handled it very well. But, hey.... that's what makes it a good memory!

Here is a video clip:

and some pictures........

This past weekend, Spencer and his dad went to Kansas City to run a 5k sponsored by the Chiefs.  It started on the parking lot and they ran around the Chiefs and Royals stadium and back to the Chiefs and through the tunnel (where the players run) and ended on the 50 yard line.  They both got medals and had a really good time.  Here are some pictures from that. 

That's them on the jumbo tron with their medals. 

Daddy is awesome and shared his medal with Thatcher....
 who has claimed it as his!


  1. Wow! I didn't know Spencer was going to run too! What a fun day!

  2. Awesome!!!!!! Way to go, guys!!!! Love, Billie
