Sunday, June 29, 2014

Dinosaurs in dump trucks

Tonight, after I tripped over several toys on the floor.....I took a closer look and discovered dinosaurs in the back of a dump truck and farm trucks.  It looked so cute, I had to take pictures.  It just seems like yesterday when Spencer was doing the same thing.... and it also, seems like yesterday that we longed for toys to trip over again. I am so thankful  for those toys scattered all about.  It's hard for me to accept how quickly the years pass.  I ache for childhood to last just a little longer. The rocking chair is a sweet friend, with the weight of a precious child in my arms. Too soon, it seems their feet are dangling over the side and their faces don't hold the same look of enrapture, while I am singing. Oh, to hold them in my arms just a little longer.
My mother-in-law said that she loves to discover little toys, that didn't get picked up,  a couple days after a visit.... it makes her smile.
Those little dinosaurs made me smile tonight! 

 Have a happy week!  
I hope we all have eyes to see the sweetness in little things! 

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Camp & Cousins

 Church Camp

Monday morning, Spencer headed off to Extreme Camp with some of the youth group.  We miss him so much when he is gone, but we know he is having an awesome time, and growing in faith & fellowship with other campers.  I am also growing in faith...because I PRAY a lot, while he's gone! ... especially, about keeping the snakes away from him! Uhhh!!!! I try NOT to think about it too much!

I take a funny picture of Thatcher every day and send it with a text to Spencer.
 He said he looks forward to it each night, when he checks his phone.
 Monday Night

 "Look what I'm doing while my Bubba is at church camp.... hackin' his Facebook
and trashin' his Xbox profile.... mawwhhaaaaaaa!!!! "

Tuesday Night

"I miss you Bubba, but hangin' out in your room is SWEET!!"
Wednesday Night 
"Kickin' some balls around, had to borrow some of your gear. 
 Miss you Bro!"
 Thursday Night
"Making some sweet 'missin' you' tunes" 
Cousin Time
After we said goodbye to Spencer, we went to see several of our cousins!  We played at Grandma & Grandpas house, went to the park, got yummy snow cones and then went swimming!  It was a sunny, silly, fun day! 

I LOVE how the little boys could care less about taking a picture! 
They were CLEARLY busy!  

"Charlies Angels" ... ( sort of )!
Pretty girls!!!.... even if not everyone wants to be one of the "angels" or smile!
Love my family and ADORE my nieces and nephews.  I know these days are precious
and they will bring a smile with a memory later! 
*** All pictures were parent approved, before posting***

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Catch a mommy by the toe!

Yesterday morning, I stumbled into the kitchen blurry eyed and still half asleep... Thatcher wanted some breakfast.  After I poured his milk, I was walking to the table.... when something grabbed ahold of my big toe!!  I started jumping and screaming and trying to kick it off.  IT WOULD NOT COME OFF!  I am kicking my foot, as I'm hopping... and shrieking!!  While visions of GINORMOUS spiders danced through my head! I'm going back and forth across the kitchen, spilling milk everywhere!  Thatcher started WAILING!  I finally stopped kicking, since, whatever had my toe was not letting go!  I look down and discovered, that the ring from the top of the milk carton, was the culprit!  Yes, I. AM. A. DORK!!  I started laughing so hard, I was crying... and Thatcher just stared at me wide eyed. I'm kept telling him, over and over... "It's okay! Mommy's fine". There was milk all over the walls, counter and floor of the kitchen. Now, Thatchers afraid to go into the kitchen by himself!  In my defense, it was the side of the ring with the little "sticky hands"....which sure felt like a big ole something! I don't think I can really ever describe how it actually looked and went down!  My husband and Spencer sure enjoyed the
reenactment though!  
I hope you have many reasons to smile and laugh today! 

Tuesday, June 10, 2014

One of those days.......

Ever have one of those days ( maybe weeks?!), when you feel like you should just go back to bed? That was today!  I am NOT a morning person...especially in the summer!  Spencer is taking Drivers Education. ( I know ... right?! ) Anyway, when he signed up... they sent a paper home for us to select the class times, that we would prefer. So, we did... and we were scheduled with the time we didn't pick!  Oh it starts at 8 am!.... in THE SUMMER!  Okay.... so, we took him to class and then went back home to play for a couple hours and then back to pick him up.  We dropped a gift off to my newly married friends house, put the passenger side window down to talk to her quickly, and continued on with some other errands.  
Spencer couldn't get the window to go back up.  I couldn't get the window to go back up.  It's starting to sprinkle.  It's suppose to rain off and on all week. I don't have a garage.  I'm starting to panic a little. Turned the car off and on....tried many different things.  Went by a friends body shop... guy offered to order us a new window...uh thanks.  Sent hubby a desperate text message... received text back "sorry baby".... started getting a little weepy.  I was kind of expecting some advice from the 2 previously mentioned men! Thinking about all the things I need to do today.  Called Zellers in Ark City.  The manager said to bring the car in. Spencer watched the short people, while I took the car.  Already mad/sad, and now riding in 70 mile hour wind.... whipping ONE side of my head.  Get to the shop and the strap on my new purse breaks.  Shop guy tries several things to get the window unstuck.  I'm rambling the whole time about how I hate this car!  He doesn't even look at me, when he says he will have to order a master switch for both doors.  I think he's married and he knows the "her head is going to pop off any minute" look.  Poor guy!  Took me 15 minutes to get both car seats out..... I have no doubts now, that they were very secure....each one had 5 different anchors!  Oh yea... cut my finger doing that.  Mom comes to pick me up.  Now I have to get the car seats secured in hubby's pickup ... which has a lift kit... yay!  Yep, feeling sorry for myself....
Get a call from a friend...his elderly mother passed away this morning. Sobering reality.  I feel ridiculous for the things I have been whining about.
It can always be worse.
So, a short list of things I'm thankful for this afternoon:
  • An extra vehicle at home
  • My best friend, for listening and making me laugh about it all
  • Mom, who gave me a ride home and also brought warm chocolate chip cookies!
  • My sweet hubby.... he was at work... he has a job!
  • The nice guy at the shop... he tried to break it to me gently!
  • A sweet teenager, who has always tries to help and "be the man",  when the other one is unavailable
  • Rain....even if it gets my passenger seat wet
  • Hairspray... that helped the beaten side of my head, hold it's shape... a little
  • Small towns... where you can call and actually get help the same day!
  • Two little people that sit in those car seats
    Have a great day!  Sometimes the "little" lists
    are really pretty BIG! 
    Rain day fort!


Thursday, June 5, 2014

Adlers Armoire

Several people have asked to see pictures of the armoire that my friend Billie made for Adler.  It is so beautiful. I love it! Here are the before and after pictures.  You can click on the pictures to see view them in a large format.

 She stenciled the lovely flowers

 This was a cute surprise when I opened the drawer! 
She's all about the details!
 Here it is.... full of girly clothes, shoes and bows!!!
Too bad I had to blur the face of the cutie in the picture!
Someday soon, we will have a big blog all about her!
We have awesome friends!!!  Have a great day!!! 

Monday, June 2, 2014

Going to the Chapel...........

It's wedding season!  Our friends daughter, was married this past weekend.  We were blessed to help them with the wedding and then, witness their sweet union.  I love weddings!!  We have watched this young girl grow into an amazing young lady.  She is beautiful, talented, sweet and kind. They both love Jesus and He is the center of their lives and new marriage.  They are a precious couple and it will be fun to watch them continue to grow in their love. 
Congratulations Glynne & Kyle!!
( They are soooo cute!)
(Beautiful photo by Skyler Livingston, posted with brides permission)
 It just seems like yesterday, that I married my true love.  I prayed for the right man and when he came, he was everything I ever dreamed of.... and more!  I knew he was "the one", right from the start.  We dated for five months, and he asked me to marry him.  We said "I do", close to a year after we met.  He loves me for who I am..... faults and all.  He makes me want to be a better person.  He loves the Lord and he is a good man.  He is gracious, kind and easy going.  He is strong in his beliefs and loyal to the ones he loves.  He said vows before our God, our family and friends... and he stands firm in them.  He is a great father.  He is thoughtful, smart and hard working.  He is romantic and loving. He takes my breath away and makes my heart flutter... (especially, when he is running to get to me, so we can dance to our song!.... like he did at Glynne & Kyles reception).  He makes me feel beautiful. He makes me feel adored.  He is funny and happy.  He makes me laugh. He makes me feel safe and protected.  He is a good provider. He is not perfect, but he is perfect for me!
We've been together 20 years.... married for 19!  It doesn't seem that long, but I can't really remember my life without him!  I know I'm blessed to have such a good man.  I know there are days that I make his life complicated and frustrating!  Thankfully, he loves me through every season... the good, bad and the ugly!..... the happy, the sad and the hard seasons.  He said the vows ....and he honors them. I loved that day!...... and I love to watch others say those vows to each other. It's such a meaningful and magical moment, when we are allowed to watch those intimate, big promises, that are made to one another. 
I love the brides entrance and the way her groom looks at her for the first time. I love the songs.... they usually make me teary. I love it when the flower girl or ring boy do or say something funny during the ceremony.  I love the flowers and the decorations.  I love the rings and the sweet words.  I love the first kiss! I love the dancing...........I love it all!  It's such a sweet reminder of precious time in life.
This is one of my favorite pictures.  It captured how much he adores me and I find that overwhelming and precious at the same time.  I hold his heart, just as he does mine... and that's a big, yet joyous responsibility. 

"I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"
Hold tight to the ones you love!  Have a happy day!