Thursday, October 29, 2015

I'm Back!

I took the summer off....and well..... it turned into an extended vacation!  Spencer was busy with his first job... life guarding!  He had a really good time.  He was blonde, tan and had some spending money  He had church camp, soccer camp, and band camp, as well. We went on a short trip to Kansas City. We spent time with family, friends and at church. We also, spent time, just enjoying summer and not having to be anywhere. Then school started again....

Oh yeah... somewhere in there...we bought a new house and we spent a lot of time working on the new house. Then there was moving................. Moving was crazy!  Ugh!  NEVER moving again!!!  Now we are trying to get settled in and get our other house ready for a new family.  It's hard to say goodbye.  Here are some pictures from the summer. 

Missing his Bubba, when he was away at camp.....
SOOO excited when he got home!
 Such a good big brother!  Park & snowcones

 Chuck E Cheese with friends

 Festive treats... missing some of our cousins!

First birthday party!!! 


Kansas City


 Back to school!  He's a Junior now!

 "We love Winfield" church block party. 

Dad's 75th dinner out. Missing 7 of our "clan"

MOPs started up again! 

All of them ready for church at the same time!!!

 See you at the Pole!  LOVE this!

 Watching Bubba march with the band and soccer team at the Homecoming parade


 He's 17 ???!!!!.. and HE.IS.Handsome!
 Soccer team & signs at Regional game

Well, that's a little of our last 4 1/2 months!  It was very busy, fun and fast!

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Summer Camp

It's that time of year again..... summer camp!  Spencer & the youth group headed off to church camp on Monday.  We really miss him, but know that he is growing in his faith & making great memories! Life changes at camp!  I have been thinking about to my own experiences at camp. I am going to share a few with you...

 I started going to camp when I was 9 years old, and went every year until I was 19 ! I even went one year ( before I was camper aged ),  when my parents were youth directors.  I LOVED IT!  We went to camp in Joplin MO.... Camp Sagmount.  Here is a link, so you can see some pictures of what the camp ground is like. - it has some good pictures at the bottom & - this site is under construction, but has some pictures too. It looks like it has changed a little since we went. There used to be separate swimming pools for the girls and boys.  We didn't have zip line, fishing or canoes.  I think only a couple of the smaller cabins were air conditioned, when we were going. 
We left at 5 am on Monday morning!  In later years, we would sleep over,  at our family friends house, the night before.... we stayed up all night..... who can sleep the night before camp?!  So, it was always dark when we were leaving Winfield.  It seemed like camp was HOURS away!  We always stopped at a place called Goldie's Donuts in Independence ( I think, that's where it was ). We usually arrived at camp around 9 am.  We had to clean our rooms, make our beds, and clean the bathroom, before we could go run around ( look for cute boys! ).  That took FOREVER! The smell of Pinesol takes me back in time, I still love that smell. We stayed in an old hotel.  It seemed really cool.  I'd like to go back and see things through my adult ( germ-a-phob ) eyes....or maybe not.  It's nice to remember certain things through rose colored glasses! Anyway, the hotel had many rooms.  I can still hear the sound of the screen door slamming shut, over and over again.  We always had rooms grouped together.  Each room shared a bathroom between another room.  We were usually on the bottom level.  I always wanted to be on the upper level.... they had sort of a balcony area, overlooking the ground level....we called it the overflow area.  No one wanted to be out there!  No privacy!  The big hotel, was cooled by an cave that ran under it.  We had a couple nurses in our church, so when one of them was the camp nurse, we would hang out at the nurses station... it had air conditioning! We also had secret pizza parties there!  
We had campers from all over Kansas.  Many years that I went, there were up to 300 kids.  So many new people to meet!  We had a pretty scheduled day.  We had devotions at the flagpole, before breakfast.  After breakfast, we had time to clean our room and get ready for morning chapel.  Our rooms were inspected while we were gone, so they had to be neat and clean!  We all took turns with different chores.  Morning chapel was a couple hours and then we had lunch.  After lunch was free time and competition time.... sports, talent, vocals, preaching, puppets ( I know, right? puppets! ha! )....etc.  We had a singing group a couple of years... even had matching outfits. Really?!  Uggghhh!!!   I usually went swimming in the afternoons.   The pools were filled with fresh,  crystal clear spring water, and it was FREEZING!  After supper, we had a little time to get ready for evening chapel, which usually lasted until 9 or so.  We had free time after that, as well.  The canteen was open during free times.  I loved to get Hot Fries there. I bought some of those, a couple years ago.... didn't taste the same!  Our pastor made sloppy joes to sell after evening chapel.  When they were gone, they were gone... so, you had to run to get one of those.
The cabins were at the top of the hill, with the mess hall and nurse station.  Running down each side of the hill, were ridiculously steep and long steps.  They were a little very treacherous!  Every year, at least one person had a pretty big accident.  I can't believe we went up and down them in heels! Yikes! It was quite the workout too. I don't think the pictures could do them justice.  Downhill, there was the cave ( not allowed inside), by a lagoon, the sports fields, swimming pools, canteen and chapel.  Every year, someone also went flying into that green lagoon!..... boys!!!
The first night of camp, a funny pastor, ( and usually his embarrassed daughter ) would show us the proper way to hold hands. Which is the only physical contact allowed at camp! We had a camp "Sheriff"... I think it was another one of the pastors.  Each night at chapel, we were told when "lights out" would be. We had devotions with our counselors, before bed. We had to be in bed, with lights out.... when the sheriff came through.  I remember lying there in the dark, waiting for their flashlight to pass, so we could start talking again.  If you were lucky, you didn't get a counselor in your room!  We had some pretty fun counselors though!  Our favorite was Punkin Kadau. 
We had awesome food at our camp.  The counselors were always on kitchen duty.  Each church took turns with cooking & cleaning.  Breakfast always had the most variety of food.  There were pancakes, sausage, bacon, eggs, biscuits, french toast, gravy, honey buns, oatmeal and a variety of cereals, fruits and drinks.... everyday!  They saved the juice from the canned fruit and every meal it was available.  I remember how yummy pear juice in a big cup of ice tasted.  I've never had that anywhere else. 
We weren't allowed to bring radios or anything like that to camp.  We also had a strict dress code. We had to dress up for morning and evening chapel.  We couldn't wear shorts or pants... dresses, skirts and culottes ( gauchos?! ) had to be a certain length. Only one piece swimming suits. I hope they have changed the dress code rule a little.  It's hard to do competitive sports in a dress or those flappy culottes!
I will never forget the smell of the trees at night, while we walked up and down those steps with new friends.... or the breeze blowing through the open wall chapel. The smell of the water, suntan lotion... everyone had that coconut oil ( for the best tan!) The smell of Polo... a fragrance I still love. (Sigh!) That comment will totally date me!  Ha!  EVERY guy, who had a clue... wore Polo!  
Evening chapel always kept me captivated.  It felt like we were in our own little world, where everything was good.  My heart bursts with renewed love for Jesus.  My mind and spirit full of determination... with all the ways I would change my life.  It was so easy in that little bubble. The need to walk that isle and confess my sins.  The thankfullness, that I could be forgiven.  The knowledge that He lives in me. The desire to tell others.... the desire for my life to SHOW others, that I was different and why. There are no words for that sacred time.  The time when you are alone with Him....and 300 other people.  The time when you feel His presence, without a doubt. The time when you KNOW you are HIS.  It's magical and wonderful.
There's just something about camp. 
Every year, it was harder to leave. 
I miss our Spencer, but I know where his heart is.  I know who will visit him, in those sacred hours.  I know his heart will grow even more, with his love for Jesus. 

Dedicated to a few of the Millington Campers: 
Punkin Kadau, GlowWorm Karen, The Wright girls, Debbie Badley, Kelly Miles, Mischelle Foster,  
Sue Gregory, The King boys, Carl Helsel, Jimmy Gray.... 
Without you, camp wouldn't have been the same!

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

"Smart" Phones?

After years of using whatever free phone that Sprint provided me... I am now.... the inexperienced owner of a "smart phone".... much to the delight of all my friends who have them, and were tired of trying to view tiny pictures I sent them... not to mention the issues of replying to my texts. (their fancy phones, did not like my intelligence challenged one).  I was pretty happy with the slider phone that I had.  I could make phone calls, text, take and send pictures. I could even get online, for a small fee. (all written with, a little sarcasm).  It did everything a "phone" is suppose to do. I DO love technology and new gadgets but, I am a person who doesn't like big changes,  and sometimes, I  need to be pushed dragged into the next phase of life.  If you know me, you know this is true.  That being said....This new phone DOES have some really neat features.... and some that are VERY time consuming.  I am now addicted to Trivia Crack !!  I feel compelled to edit EVERY photo I take, with PicLab.......

 I DO love the TinyScan app, that allows me to scan a document and the app converts it into a PDF file, for easy e-mailing.  I have used that app many times already. I have the Walmart app, for scanning receipts and the Dillons app, for digital coupons. I also have MapMyWalk, which is handy, since I have been taking lots of walks, with my two short peeps. Those are a few of the apps I have added to my phone. I'm SURE, I am not utilizing everything it can do!  I will probably hear about that, after I post this blog!   It DOES take really good pictures and that is the main reason I let them "talk" me into it, while I was upgrading Spencers phone. You know I'm all about my pictures.... and videos. Which brings me to this.... 
I have not been able to figure out how to get videos off the phone, and save them on my computer.  I have googled it numerous time and given up.  Some videos I was able to e-mail to myself and save them that way. However, most of the videos were too big to e-mail. SOOOO.... today, I spent about 2 hours and finally did it!  After downloading the Dropbox app and also installing it on my computer.... SUCCESS!  I consider myself a bit of a tech. I can usually figure out most computer / electronic stuff ... So, this has been frustrating! I have lost most of my confidence! I think Apple likes to make things extra difficult!  Anyway, here are a couple short videos for your viewing pleasure! 
 His fearlessness scares me sometimes!
 This is how Superheros pick up chicks!
Here's one of Addy getting her groove on!

( Please excuse the song choice!  I know... mother of the year!)
.... and not to be outdone!
I hope this week has given you many reasons to smile!

You are loved! 

 (I'm going to go reminisce about simpler times!)


Thursday, April 30, 2015

Mercies in Disguise?

I had some alone time the other night, as I drove home from Wichita.  I was listening to the radio and mulling things around in my head. I was talking to myself, asking and answering questions in my mind.... and praying.  I've heard this song many times, I really like it.  That night, when it came on the radio.... it just spoke to my heart. I love those moments... when things seem simple and clear.  We all go through tough times in life.  We aren't going to escape those trials. God uses those seasons to show us how strong we really are, because He stands WITH us. Those trials are meant to draw us closer to Him. We may not realize it at the time.... it's hard to be "in it" and see the bigger picture. VERY HARD.  I've been there. Many times, we can't see it for what it is, until we are through it.  I don't have words of wisdom. I just wanted to share this song. 
If you can...take a moment to listen,  and see if it speaks to you.
We pray for blessings
We pray for peace
Comfort for family, protection while we sleep
We pray for healing, for prosperity
We pray for Your mighty hand to ease our suffering
All the while, You hear each spoken need
Yet love is way too much to give us lesser things
'Cause what if your blessings come through raindrops
What if Your healing comes through tears
What if a thousand sleepless nights are what it takes to know You're near
What if trials of this life are Your mercies in disguise
We pray for wisdom
Your voice to hear
We cry in anger when we cannot feel You near
We doubt your goodness, we doubt your love
As if every promise from Your Word is not enough
All the while, You hear each desperate plea
And long that we'd have faith to believe
When friends betray us
When darkness seems to win
We know that pain reminds this heart
That this is not our home
What if my greatest disappointments
Or the aching of this life
Is the revealing of a greater thirst this world can't satisfy
What if trials of this life
The rain, the storms, the hardest nights
Are your mercies in disguise
Have a fabulous evening! 
 You are loved!

Saturday, April 25, 2015

It's the Little Things

I just bundled up all the cards I received last month ( for my birthday ), and tucked them into a storage box.  I keep all my cards.  I LOVE getting cards.  That's probably why I send out so many.  It's such a treat!  To know that someone selected a specific card..... just for me. It's a sweet reminder that someone is thinking of me or they didn't forget my special day.  I am a sucker for a good card!  It's my favorite part of any special day. It takes time to find just the right card! The right picture with the right sentiment,.... I can get stuck on that isle for a while. It's such a simple little thing, but it means so much.... to me, anyway. 
I have a little paper that Spencer gave me when he was younger. He glued a heart shaped rock, to a red sticky note and wrote "For Mom, I love you".  It's tucked into the corner of one of my mirrors.  It's been there for probably 10 years now. It's been there for so long, it's become part of the mirror.  Occasionally, like today... I focus on it and it makes me smile.  Something about those big scribbly letters, etched with such fierce love.... from such a little person.

This is one is kind of funny.... the weird way!  I REALLY love a big, icy diet coke from Sonic.  Some days it just makes me a better person!  I haven't been drinking soda, for several months now... and boy, do I miss it! I treat myself, every once in a while, to a small one. That first sip is a party in my mouth! My husband smirks at me, while I swish it around and make happy sounds. Such a little thing... such big joy!

Music is a huge part of my life.  There really are no words to describe it's significance in my life. So, I'm not even going to try.  However, it is one of those little things, that is actually a very big thing to me.  For each emotion I have, there is a place for music. It runs through my veins.... sustaining me. I love that there is music everywhere. Lyrical emotion.....encompassing complete strangers with familiar unity. I would not want to live in a world without music.

Those are a few examples of my little / big things..... today!

Some days,  I am able to pause longer than just a moment, and take in some of the "little" things that our BIG God made for us to enjoy. Just to name a few..... The cool breeze.... blowing across my toes while I sit and read.  The smell of a good book.  I am old school.  I love to read, and  I love turning each crisp page. The warmth of sunshine on those same little toes.  I love the smell of the fresh cut grass, that waifs through each open window.  I can hear many birds chirping and singing...  happy that it's finally spring. ( me too!).  This morning, I admired the depth of each color on my flowers.  It's hard not to be in awe, when you look closely at such intricate work.  Each vibrant hue looks like it was painted by hand. I enjoy the smell of rain... and the smell of the earth, soaked in it's goodness. The soft rumble of thunder in the early morning... lulling me into a deeper sleep. I don't really enjoy big storms, but I can appreciate them from time to time. I do prefer the gentle ones.

It's the little things, that sometimes bring the most joy.

I think we miss it..... with the hustle and bustle of most days.  We have routines that wind us through our life. We wish away time.... anxious for the workday to end, for the weekend to come, or other big milestones.  I'm trying to remind myself to slow down a little.  It's easy to concentrate on the big things in our lives.  I think sometimes we are in such a hurry to get to the big stuff, we don't really SEE and enjoy the smaller stuff.

Hoping you take time to stop and smell the flowers
 Have a great weekend! 

Sunday, April 19, 2015

5 Years Old!

Can't believe our Thatcher is five years old!!! (makes my heart ache just a little!)  We had a fun day on his actual birthday, and then we had a big family party the next evening.  He told me he that his birthday was a "blast"! Here are some pictures. 


Throw back to his first "big boy bike" ride!  Awww!!!!
 Birthday lunch at McDonalds!

Balloon "fight" with a few cousins.  I love his face in these pictures!

He got all his new Legos put together!
What a precious child, that has filled our lives with
joy and so much laughter!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

20 Years!

It's hard to believe, that Gunar and I have been married for 20 years tomorrow!  I am so thankful for this man, the one God hand-picked for me... the one I prayed and waited for.  He is an amazing husband and a great father.  I pray that the next 20 years are just as sweet!  Thank you baby, for making me your wife! You are WAY better than the fairy tale! Happy Anniversary!!
He likes things short and sweet, so.... that's the blog!
April 8th, 1995
Back: Lisa (Scobee) Harrod, Brad Frye  Keith Wunderlich, Tami (Wasson) Burke, Bruce Paris, Beth (Kelley) Eklund
Middle: Karen (Kelley) Chrisman, The Newlyweds, Shannon Russell
Front: Megan Myers, Kassidi Pruett, Jordan Ferguson, Breanna (Tharp) McAdoo, Carissa (Kelley) Anderson
Keeper of the Stars
It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew
Now I just can't believe you're in my life
Heaven's smilin' down on me
As I look at you tonight

I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

Soft moonlight on your face oh how you shine
It takes my breath away
Just to look into your eyes
I know I don't deserve a treasure like you
There really are no words
To show my gratitude

So I tip my hat to the keeper of the stars
He sure knew what he was doin'
When he joined these two hearts
I hold everything
When I hold you in my arms
I've got all I'll ever need
Thanks to the keeper of the stars

It was no accident me finding you
Someone had a hand in it
Long before we ever knew

Friday, April 3, 2015

Adoption Day!

March 30th, 2015..... Finally! She has been part of the family, since she was 3 1/2 months old, now it's official.  Here are some pictures of Adler (Addy).



 So many reasons to SMILE!