Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Soccer Mom

I have become the proverbial soccer mom.... and I love it!... BUT, don't look for me in a minivan!   Spencer started playing when he was 4 years old. Actually, he chased butterflies, examined the grass, squashed bugs, talked, and talked.... did I mention talk?!  The next year he learned to "talk trash".... we had to remind him, that this was soccer and not football. When they are that little, they are just one big giant mob chasing the ball around the field..... SOOO cute! However,  there are always those kids that are "naturals" and excel... even at an early age.... they are usually the one with the ball!  
 It is a funny experience when your child starts playing competitive sports. Parents of young children are constantly teaching them to share with others and take turns.  Now, we have turned into these crazy people in lawn chairs, yelling at them to "TAKE THE BALL!", among other phrases... that have nothing to do with sharing OR nicely taking turns.  I wonder if this is confusing to their young little brains! Sometimes, you have friends on the opposing team and you do the polite "oh, what a great kick!" or "good job!", even when you really wish they would have missed the goal! It's much easier to say those things, when OUR team is winning!   It is amazing how competitive PARENTS become, when their little people strap on shin guards and cleats! 
 We really enjoyed soccer, every fall and spring.  It was fun to watch Spencers skills and confidence develop. We enjoyed all the different kids and their parents.  We treasured the time with supportive grandparents, who braved the heat and the very cold first, or last games of each season!  I think Spencer played every season from age 4 to 14!  Now, he plays for the High School soccer team and even earned a varsity letter last year.  We love watching him play!
..... and so, it begins again......Thatcher is 4 now, and he had his first soccer practice tonight!  He looked so tiny on the field.  His cleats looked so small!  He had a really good time.  He was very excited to go pick his big Bubba up, from HIS soccer practice... and compare notes.  It was obvious, that he knows they have something new in common. He was very excited to be allowed on the field.... he has been chased off of it for many years! He was very excited to have a water break, and go get his own bottle from the cooler.  He is very excited that we ( and BamMa, BamPa, MeMaw & PaPa)  will come watch him and yell "go Thatcher".... ("TAKE THE BALL!") 
So, we will be hauling our chairs,  blankets, and treats to the Sports Complex for several more years... and now we will be chasing Addy off the field, as she tries to run to HER big Bubba!  


 Too bad this is blurry!  He actually had really good ball control
and was headed for the goal!
Have a great week!  Choose JOY!

1 comment:

  1. Ahhhh . . . he is so precious out there! Way to go Thatcher! And way to be a fun big brother Spencer. ~Beth
