Monday, August 25, 2014

Horses & little boys

Thatcher was with me the other day, when I went to Walmart for some things.  When we pulled in the parking lot, we saw The Gustafson family with their wagon and two beautiful Clydesdales. They are artisans from Dexter KS, who live simply and close to nature.  Thatcher was very excited to see the horses.  They were pouring buckets of water over them to cool them down.  I let him watch, while I got Addy out of the car.  He was talking to them (of course!), and still very much in awe, as I put him in a shopping cart, close to our car.   Mr. Gustafson has a full beard and friendly face.  He smiled and answered a couple questions, that Thatcher asked.  As we headed to the store entrance, Thatcher asked me in a very quiet voice "Was that God?"  Made me smile! I started thinking about the pictures or cartoon characters, that he has seen, representing God.  It was a sweet little snapshot in our busy world.  Here is a link to read more about the Gustafson family.
Here's a picture from their website, I couldn't find one of the him with the Clydesdales.

This is his horse... for now. 
He also loves his blue donkey from Mee-Maw!
Have a great week!

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