Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Just like Daddy

It's so sweet how little boys want to be just like their daddy.   When Spencer was little, he would wear his daddy's big boots and hat around the house.   Thatcher also,  likes to wear daddy's hat and safety goggles and help with whatever "manly" task is needed.  Reminds me that those little eyes are always watching, and taking it all in. It's a big job... this parenting gig. Thank goodness for grace, and second chances, because I fall flat on my face most days.  I am thankful for each new day and opportunity to do the best I can. I'm also thankful that little people love us, even when we mess up and have to tell them we are sorry.  Sometimes Mommies and daddies need a time out too! I am thankful for sweet kisses and hugs, bedtime stories, playing hide & seek, hundreds of questions a day!.... all of it!!
  Here are some pictures of Spencer & Thatcher wanting to be like their daddy.  Also a funny video of Thatcher.  Have a happy day! 

 Spencer wearing daddy's boots... awww!  Is he really 15 now?!

Two monkeys
Helping daddy with the deck
Thatcher helping measure the cabinets

Just surfing the net in daddy's hat and goggles

Reading daddy's gun magazine
Sit ups with Daddy


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