Saturday, May 5, 2018

You Changed My World

I'm having a weepy mom day. I don't know why, or what brought it on. I've been thinking about my first born.  He is so wonderful, kind and thoughtful. He loves Jesus and has a heart for others.  I am so proud of the man he is and is becoming. I am happy to see him successful and out on his own. He's a driven young man. I know he is going to do big things with his life, and it's exciting to watch.  I miss having him home. 

My heart is just being silly, today. It all started with a text. He has grace and kind words, when I ask if he had a good childhood. He is so sweet and reassuring....that made me more weepy.  (good grief!)  That's what parents worry about.... traumatizing our kids in some way and messing up their little lives.  We agonize over things that can't be taken back. Things, that they... probably don't remember the same way, or remember at all. We trivialize the GOOD things we did. Why do we focus on the other?  It's a precious and daunting job.. parenthood.  Maybe I'm tender right now, cause I'm in the trenches with little people.  I have learned from past mistakes... but, that doesn't mean I won't make new ones or even the same ones!   

I think I'm just very aware of time today.... how fast it goes by.  I managed to get my best friend all weepy too!  (sorry, sweet friend). I told her, that I would do anything for one afternoon with him on my lap again. Rocking, talking, laughing, singing, being silly, praying over him while he sleeps in my arms.  To smell his hair and feel his little body and each breath he takes.  To hold his hands when they reach out for me, deep in slumber.  To gaze, once more, on the softness of his face. I loved our little world... when I was his whole world. 

Those precious moments.... fleeting... with each rock of the chair and kiss on the forehead. 

To my sweet little boy, who grew into a sweet young man.... You changed my world forever, and I love being your mom. 

Sunday, April 15, 2018

Easter 2018

Easter celebration on the Myers side.... just the littles hunting eggs now.  The older ones are sweet enough to hide them!

MeeMaw sharing the Easter story.............and the tomb was empty! 

          Easter morning at our house.  My oldest came out for Easter baskets!  He knows his mama loves                                         having a picture of ALL her babies.... especially on special occasions.  

Ready for church.........

Easter afternoon at the Kelleys


Couch full of cousins!  Missing Spencer, Tom, Carissa, Savannah, Isabella, Cohen & Baylor! 

                                                                 Lucky egg finders......

One of the cutest and funniest girls! 

                                                                  Sweet brothers................

                                                                     Lovely moms......

  A beautiful weekend with beloved family and friends... celebrating Easter and the risen Lord! 

Sunday, March 25, 2018

St. Patricks Day & Palm Sunday

These two....

Love our little world❣ 

Hosanna!  Palm Sunday

Trying to wrangle 20+ kids and keep them quiet! ☺☺☺

Monday, March 12, 2018

There is Light

I love this time of year!  The morning light that fills my room, as the sun gently kisses my face.  It's so much easier to get out of bed, with the sunshine.  I'm anxious for Spring and Summer.  I long for the refreshing breeze that dance with the curtains. The soft whisper of its breath across my body... mimicking the movement of my slumber. The sweetness of the morning, lit quietly... soft and radiant.   I am ready for the damp, new, green grass... cool under my feet, as I tiptoe out and take in the smell and sounds of the fresh morning. The happy sound of nature waking.  The fleeting moments of the stillness and silence.  There is a reverence, that I often take for granted.

  I'm not always a morning person... especially during the cool months. I hide under the weight of warm blankets, that tempt me to linger...staying tucked away from the long, dark and cold days. Winter is not my favorite. The trees seem sad with their drab limbs... reaching up to the sky... waiting for the burden of beauty. They wait... turned towards the heavens in sweet anticipation. 

The sunlit mornings call to me... waking me early and renewing my spirit.  I know its promise....echoing the promise of grace. Assurance that the darkness and drab, will be washed away. There is sweetness of new breath... that fill and restore the body with goodness. There is joy in new beginnings. 

 There is a Light that beckons and calls for us... 
to linger in darkness no more.  

                                         Image result for john 8:12

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Paper Hearts

We've been putting up Valentine decorations... lots of hearts.  My littles are 7 and 5 years old.  They are so excited about our upcoming Valentines Day party.  It's almost like Christmas... with all the anticipation!  We started a new tradition last year.  I taped a new "message" paper heart on their door each day in February, until Valentines day. They look forward to seeing a new heart, when they wake up.  It made me start thinking about the importance of the words we use.


A heart is a fragile thing...

The simplest praises, such as "U Rock" and "U R Cute"... elicit such big smiles.  You see their countenance change... even the skip in their skippity walk.  It changes who they are and how they see themselves.  It's so important to them... the way we see them.  Most parents are good at praising.  It comes easily, because we love them so much. I wish I could say that I've never lost my temper, or said things when I'm frustrated or tired... things that left a little mark on their hearts.  We've all heard that saying..."one negative word, cancels out ten positive ones".  Those words haunt parents. We want our children to feel loved....every minute of every day. 

Hearts are as fragile as the paper, that we 
write those little love notes on.  

I love that there is grace and second chances.... and the opportunity to be accountable and apologize. THOSE words are very powerful!  It's so important for our children to know that we make mistakes  sometimes.  Equally important, that we verbalize it and ask for their forgiveness. I do not want my children to grow up thinking their feelings are more important than anybody else.  We model the behaviors that we teach, and... accountability is a large part of all healthy relationships.

Is it easy?!  Not always! Sometimes, it takes me a little longer to get there. (hours, days, weeks...etc).  But, it sure is humbling...and freeing.  It also gets easier and easier. Not one of us is perfect... thankfully!  What a hard world to live in... one where we actually believed that we NEVER did anything wrong!  That's what is wonderful about grace..... the ability to give it AND to receive it!

What I've learned over many years.. (and I'm still learning!)  If you want to erase or fade, the marks on your heart... maybe, it's time to see if you left some as well.  Maybe the accountability you are looking for, is also waiting on you. Be the first to offer forgiveness and grace. You might be surprised at what happens, to those little grudge marks.  It's never too late to do your part in making it right.

I want my children to see me fail, and then see me make amends.  I want them to know that, they are going to fail sometimes, and that's okay.  I want them to have the power and desire to rectify their errors. Life is not always written on paper hearts with sweet words.  There is significance and value in each of the words we choose to use.

I hope you have many beautiful words written on your heart!
and I hope the negative ones have faded ...

Have a Happy Valentines Day! 


Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Better Than a Hallelujah

Happy day!  Is Winter over yet?! 

This has been a good day.  It's cold...we are in hibernation. But, we have a nice fire and don't have to go anywhere. The littles have been playing nicely together, while I worked on some small projects.  I even had some time to listen to some of my older Cd's (in peace).  I love how a song can take you back in time...unleashing emotions that swirl through your being... just as meaningful as the first time you heard them. I used to write lyrics in a notebook. My best friend teased me and still reminds me of it, today. I love the essence of each poetic line.  Sweet melody in my ears as the words danced through my mind. 

This song...

It is so beautifully written. The truth is, that God wants all of us.  He wants us to be reliant on Him, and him alone. He wants us to fall at his feet, cry out to him, cling to him. He desires a relationship with us. The prayers we whisper through tears, are melodious lyrics in HIS ears. He longs for the honesty and truthfulness of our broken spirit. 

The way that He loves overwhelming.  

"Better Than A Hallelujah"

God loves a lullaby

In a mother's tears in the dead of night
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes

God loves the drunkard's cry
The soldier's plea not to let him die
Better than a Hallelujah sometimes

We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah

The woman holding on for life
The dying man giving up the fight
Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes

The tears of shame for what's been done
The silence when the words won't come
Are better than a Hallelujah sometimes

We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah

Better than a church bell ringing
Better than a choir singing out, singing out

We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah

We pour out our miseries
God just hears a melody
Beautiful, the mess we are
The honest cries of breaking hearts
Are better than a Hallelujah

(Better than a Hallelujah sometimes)
Better than a Hallelujah
(Better than a Hallelujah sometimes)

Thursday, January 11, 2018


My husband has encouraged me lately, to make time for dinner and lunch dates with friends.  I tend to be a homebody, especially during the winter months.   I have made a dedicated effort, and have been delighted to catch up with friends (old/new) and family.  It is such a fun thing to reminisce with people who really know you, or have known you; your whole life.

 Recently, a group of my dear friends got together for dinner.  We talked about a wide spectrum of topics.  Funny stories about our children, grandchildren, parents,  childhoods, faith, husbands, dates, jobs...etc.  I loved asking and hearing answers to questions about their lives... just catching up.  We all stay in touch, but not on a daily basis.  I am so thankful that each of us has the desire to continue to be in each others lives and share a friendship. This group included a pair of sisters that I started elementary school with, remaining friends through graduation.  We even lived together briefly.  It was interesting to watch them sometimes go back and forth on the details of a story or memory... each of them remembering it a little differently.  

Later that evening, I watched my favorite show... This is Us.  ( My husband refers to it as my therapy hour, as I cry pretty much every week, while watching it.❤)  I DO love that show!  One of the siblings talked about how he wished their childhood had been filmed.  Then whenever one of them disagreed on the details of how they remember something happening... they could say "let's go to the film".  Wouldn't that be awesome?!  I actually do that now... kind of... with my husband... and Google...... of course, we KNOW the Internet is always right!  Well, it usually is on actors, or movies that we are disagreeing about!  

Anyway.... perception is a funny thing.  I heard Dr. Phil say that "perception becomes your reality".  It really stuck with me. He went on to clarify, that it might not be accurate or the truth, but it becomes what you VIEW as truth.  If you tell yourself something enough times... it becomes your truth.  Regardless if it is true!  Those words, spurred me to ponder some of the hard times in my look at it from a different view.  Is it possible, that I chose to see it in only the light that would benefit me?  Did I pause, before I dug my heels in ...."knowing" that I was right and justified in indignation?  Hard questions to ask.  

Things I've observed and learned about perception.  It can take over your life.  It CAN become your reality. The things you whisper to yourself....  the way you believe.. ("PERCEIVE")  that people see you... and the way you FIXATE on that view.... that WILL become what YOU see.....when you gaze into the mirror.  No one's voice is louder in your head... than your own. Not only what you tell yourself, but what you perceive about others. 

Think about that.

 Have you judged someone, from what a good friend or family member, has told you? Your perception has been tainted.  It's something that most of us have done. We talk in confidence with friends and family... not realizing that our words, our comments., our tone.. our tainting anothers perception. We’ve all been on the other side if that, as well. It’s a frustrating place to be.

It's hard when we are not judged by the same standard we profess to hold.  

I fall flat on my face most days.  I am incredibly thankful for grace and second chances. I am striving to hold myself accountable and to be humble enough to look from the other side. Perception is a funny thing though... it has a stronghold and is sometimes anchored in arrogance.  Arrogance that clouds honesty and self awareness.  It would be amazing if we could "go to the film" or even Google something that we perceived differently, than another.

Sometimes the biggest lie we tell ourselves, is the very thing we can't/won’t let go of.  

If you read this.... thank you, for following my blog... and thank you for following my ramblings!  I don't profess to have words of wisdom! I don't profess to be a  writer!  Just sharing my thoughts.
I'm still learning & growing.

Be kind...  We are all in this together! 

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Happy New Year!

Well...  I didn't do a very good job in 2017.... or 2016!  I still take many, many pictures of my children.  However, Instagram has become my social go to.  It's so easy to edit and post pictures. I love to to see pictures from old and new friends. I will include several pictures in this post for those of you who don't do Instagram. 

I am so thankful for my kiddos.  My first baby is graduated and going to college ( and working a lot ). He shares a little house with his best friend.  We miss him dreadfully, but it helps knowing that he is only a couple minutes away! He takes time to visit, call and text his mama.  It makes my heart happy to know he misses us too, even in his new found freedom!  Independence is important.  I think everyone should live on their own for awhile. I am so proud of him.  He is an amazing young man. He has a kind heart and always looks to help others. 

I am so thankful for the two little people that still live here. They make me smile and laugh everyday.  The days pass so quickly.  I only blinked a couple times and my first one....flew the nest. What I wouldn't give to have him back in my arms, if only for a few hours.  These two littles... they squirm and think I hug them too long sometimes.  But, I know... just how quickly they will outgrow my lap. Yes, the days can be crazy!  I'm not a young mom... but, I'm so grateful for it all.  Only 8 short years ago.... I had accepted that it wasn't going to be.  I had a beautiful child and he was more than enough... and I was so thankful for him. 

Thank you Jesus, for all that I have. I still remember (vividly) the prayers for the extra blessings I now have. 

Image result for jer 29:11

I hope your days are full of many reasons to smile. 
 Choose JOY