Sunday, February 22, 2015

Sunday Snow

Anyone who knows me, is aware, that I'm not a big fan of snow. But, today... I'm watching it fall softly from the sky. It's nap time here, and it's quiet.  It seems that everything outside is quiet, as well.  The snow is dusting each surface and blowing softly.... into small peaks.  The world seems to have stilled with the silent flakes. I imagine little ones, like mine... in soft pajamas....lulled to sleep, in warmth and the darkness of the overcast sky. I think about children cuddled up with each other, or parents.... reading books, playing games, or watching movies.... maybe in front of a crackling fireplace. Teenagers, like mine...snuggled in their warm in hand! He's in flannel pajamas too.... we all are.  It's that kind of day. 
My tummy is full of warm potato soup and I'm wrapped up in a soft quilt.  I can smell the faint aroma of an apple pie candle, that is lit in the kitchen.  It's the perfect day for curling up on the couch and watching a good movie.  But, right now.... I'm kind of in awe of how quiet and still the world is.  There is no street traffic, no phone ringing, no kids playing..... nothing!  Even the swishing of the dishwasher has stopped and the dryer is finished tumbling. 
I'm suddenly, very aware of how big everything out there is.... and how little I am.... alone in the dark, in my little house. I'm amazed at how it seems the world has come to a halt, if only for a brief time.
I'm thankful for the moment....for the stillness, for the chance to reflect..... and just be.

Have a wonderful week, my friends!

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