Thursday, February 5, 2015

Sleepless Night

I was up most of last night.... I should probably go take a nap, while I have the opportunity. Both our little ones, have had a runny nose the last couple days. Thatcher started running fever about 12 am.  He was also having trouble sleeping, with a stuffy nose and cough.  I grabbed a pillow and held him against me, so he was reclined and could sleep better.  I prayed over him and relished the sweetness of his hot little body on mine. I knew my steady, slow breathing, would calm him and help him sleep.  He stroked my arm softly, as he drifted off. I felt his heartbeat against my own, and felt his breath on my arm. I smelled his soft, warm hair, and sighed..... thinking back to when my body held, protected and nurtured him.....a safe haven in my protruding belly.  He is so big now!  His long legs hang off of me, but he still fits perfectly.... in my lap, and against my shoulder. He is a snuggler, like my other boy.... and I love it!
I think back to each night, following the births of my sons.  I sat alone with Spencer in a moonlit room and just took it all in.  The wonder of being a new mom.... not really knowing what to do with this sweet little bundle!  I was so in awe of him and what we had both just been through!  I felt like a rock star. He was wide awake, staring at me too... I don't think he was thinking the same thing though!  And with Thatcher.....the reality that I had just had another baby!  It was overwhelming.  I remember holding him, while they pushed me to my room and thinking "This really happened! We have another baby!"  I held him tight....all night long.
This morning... I have dark circles under my eyes and my neck aches a little.  Spencer tells me he loves me, on his way out the door. Thatcher is running around playing.... he stops in front of me and says "Mommy, I so love you".   I don't notice the circles or the sore neck anymore.  
Life is good!



  1. Ahhhh . . . that is sweet. I love the memories. Something I love is how they are kind of upset when they are born and they are fussing and crying and then they lay the baby in my arms . . . they settle right down. They know they are loved. They just know. Of course, now when they are sick or just wanting snuggles, they just know they are loved by us. It makes my heart swell. I hope you get more sleep in the next few days. ~Beth

    1. I did get some sleep the next night and then we were up with Addy, the NEXT night! All is well. Those "midnight" moments are a little precious and sacred! Thank you for seeing that it wasn't about the lack of sleep.... so much deeper than that.
