Thursday, October 30, 2014

He's Sixteen!

 It's hard to believe I became a mom 16 years ago! I wanted to be a mommy, for as long as I can remember! I will never forget the miracle of pregnancy.  It is such a precious and incredible experience.  There is nothing more amazing than feeling your baby move around in your big round belly. I LOVED being pregnant..... but, I could not wait to hold my baby in my arms.  I will never forget that first night in the hospital.  I propped him up on my knees and just looked at him in the moonlight.  I was in awe of how much I loved him.
Spencer Tate first born.  You made the dream come true!... and so much more than I ever imagined!
It seems like yesterday, you were chasing me around the house with a lightsaber!... and NOW, girls are chasing you!... KEEP RUNNING!  Hot wheels have been passed down..... with high hopes of your own wheels!..... Bittersweet milestones for this momma!
We are so blessed to have you for our son.  You make us proud...every single day!  You are such an amazing young man. Happy Birthday....
  We love you!!! 


October 26th, 2014

 The balloons looked like KU colors in the bag!
 Thatcher helped me make birthday signs and hide the balloons.  It was fun sneaking all those balloons in his room before he woke up!

My handsome 16 year old!

Monday, October 20, 2014

Pumpkin Patch

Had a fabulous day with Grandma and some of our
cousins at the pumpkin patch!

 Took this picture for Uncle John & cousin Drew.... they like all kinds of bikes!

 This was Thatchers favorite thing all day!

Grandma is so cool!

Cool train ride

 That was a very big slide!!! Good job Jonathan!

 Faith on the zipline

 Krista on the zipline

Big jumping pillow

 Fun duck races!

It was a HOT day for this late in October!  We went for ice cream afterwards. We are blessed with a wonderful family!  We missed the ones who weren't there! 

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Toothless grins

Thatcher got his first two little teeth, when he was 5 1/2 months old... which was earlier than Spencer did.  It's so funny to see little shiny (sharp!) teeth, in gummy, drooly mouths. 

I was a little surprised to see he had a loose tooth at 4 1/2.  Spencer lost his first tooth when he was almost 6!  At first, he (Thatcher) was a little freaked out about it.  Especially, after some of our crazy relatives, wanted to pull it for him!  You know who you bloodsuckers are!   We explained that it would fall out on it's own,  and then he could put it under his pillow, and the Tooth Fairy would bring him a treat.   He had fun moving it around with his tongue. That thing had some super roots! He could twist it around and lay it all the way over!  Ughh!!

We went to get haircuts yesterday and Spencer was tickling him (and picking on him a little), so Thatcher bit his finger..... He has NEVER bitten anyone!  I was surprised by that ...and then by the little tooth that fell out! He was really excited and can't wait to show everyone!  There is nothing quite like a little toothless grin!! It's precious!   It's also bittersweet...... They aren't little toddlers anymore... with those perfect little white teeth.  It's a one of the big "firsts"..... leaving me wondering how time flew by.... again!..... so quickly!   

He didn't want to put it under his pillow yet.  He has it in a, he can look at it. He's very proud of it!  Spencer was always eager to see what the Tooth Fairy would bring him.  I love that Thatcher is in no hurry..... It's helpful to me.... because, I'm not in a hurry either.  I've never been the mom to push them into the next step..... I drag my feet a little..... knowing that each new step....takes them a little farther from being my baby.
So thankful for these sweet seasons!

Have a wonderful week!