Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Busy Holidays

December is always SO busy.... extra busy, if you have children.  I am surprised at how many events Spencer has..... in high school!  He plays trumpet in the Marching band and also Jazz band.  They play at all the football and basketball games.  In addition, they had a Jazz Winter Concert, marched in the lighted parade in town, played with our church choirs Cantata,and also played at the high schools candle light choir event..... and that is just the first half of the month!!! I LOVE to watch him play.  I always get a little choked up.  He has grown up so much... he is an amazing young man.  I am very proud!
Trumpet solo in Winter Jazz concert
Marching in the lighted parade, and a few of my favorite floats

 Church choir Cantata


A couple pictures from the "photo shoot" I had for our Christmas card.  I'm including a picture of Addy... since you can't see her whole face, and she's so stinking cute, AND the adoption is almost complete!  
These two make each other laugh all the makes picture time easier!
 Sitting still is very unusual for her!  I had to snap this one quickly!
I am enjoying the quietness of the afternoon....everyone is Home.... most of them taking a nap! It's snowing softly and I am curled up with a blanket and basking in the glow of Christmas lights.
Life is good.


 Wishes for you to have quiet moments to just sit and enjoy! 


Monday, November 17, 2014

Snow in November!

 I am not a big fan of snow!  I will occasionally, appreciate ( tolerate ) the beauty of it falling for a short time.  I used to like to play in the snow.  I remember what a chore it was to get ready.  We only had rain boots to wear, so we donned several pairs of socks with them.  I also remember using wonder bread bags to put over our feet after we put the socks on!.... anything to keep the snow out, and feet warm and dry!  Those same rain boots were used for ice skating as well  (on our pond).  They weren't pretty, but they worked.  Our neighbors, Debi and Jill had REAL ice skates!  I was a little envious of them.
 It snowed much more, when I was younger.  Big dreamy drifts everywhere.  We lived in the country, so it looked untouched and pretty for a longer time. It glistened like it had tiny jewels thrown all over it. We had an old fashioned wooden sled and a really big red toboggan.  I remember the Christmas we got the toboggan.  It could hold all of us! It worked well for a while, and we used it even after if got a big split down the middle.... which slowed us down and piled a bunch of snow under us. My older brother usually organized everything.....the sledding,  building of a fort, tunnels through the drifts.  He was a lot more into it than I was.  I usually went inside as soon as my mittens got too wet. 
When Spencer was old enough, his dad was the person to take him out to play in it.  I would go out for a while and take pictures! Spencer's first big sledding event was with his cousin Drew and Uncle John. I think he was 6 or 7.  Boys will be boys, not matter the age.  I think they all went last year.... even though Drew was almost 18 and Spencer was 15.  Daddy knocked down a couple of pretty girls, when he was coming down the hill!   I try not to worry, since one year, Drew broke his collar bone sledding! (yikes!)

                Awww!  Spencer was such a cute little boy!

Last year, was the first time I took Thatcher out for very long in the snow.  He was almost 4 years old. I think he spent most of the time taking it all in!  Snow was still falling and it kept getting in his eyes! He was stinkin' cute all bundled up!
This year, Thatcher was very excited to see all the white stuff!!  He could not wait to make a snow angel!  So, we spent about 20 minutes getting ready to go out and play, while Addy Grace took a warm nap!  I think we spent more time getting ready, then we did outside! BUT, he really had fun chasing me with snowballs....I would give an exaggerated shriek and he would giggle so hard, he'd sway in his boots!  He also "cleaned" off  Daddy's truck and then made a snow angel. I think I got big Mommy points today!!!

Keep warm!!!
Also a couple pics of Thatcher shaving with Daddy.  He loves to "shave".  I found this cute little shaving set for him.  He has a super "smoove" face after he shaves!


Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Paper Jet

We are very spoiled!  Our children have a Great Aunt Barbara, who fills a goody bag with yummy treats AND toys. ( for Halloween ).  Thatcher received a very cute book.  It had cardboard pieces that pop out, so you can make your own jet plane.  It was the perfect activity for this chilly morning.  He  helped with the "popping" and then was in charge of the pieces, while I was in handled assembly. It was a fun morning, and I was reminded (again) how sweet these moments are.
Here are some pictures of him with the finished product.

 As I type, I can hear feet running and a little mouth making "plane" sounds! We might make this a  theme day. Anyone want to come watch the Disney Planes movie at naptime?

Thanks Aunt Barbara!!! 
Have a great week!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Thanksgiving Memories

When I sit and think about it, I can almost feel the wind on my face, as I run towards the house.  I can smell the pine trees and hear my feet slapping the concrete in the garage.  I can feel the warmth on my face, as I open the door... and then the smells.   The smell of turkey, hot bread, mashed potatoes, stuffing, pie and others.... that swirl into deliciousness. ( Is that a word? ).  The smell of my Granddads pipe... it lingers in the air and wraps around me, as I flop on to the sofa. I have followed men with pipes, around a bit of a nostalgic trance ( discreetly! )   I LOVE that smell.  
 Some aromas, live in your heart forever.
I think I knew from an early age,  how very special those holidays were at my Granddad & Grandma Kelley's house.  We had a big family...... 17 cousins!  My uncles would sit in the living room,  and eventually, go out to look at someones new car ( usually Uncle Hubies! ).   My aunts were all in the very small kitchen.... creating all those yummy aromas and chatting.  The guest bedroom and office were full of all my cousins. We spent most the time laughing, talking and making up games.  There weren't many toys there, but we didn't seem to miss them. The office had a little leather ottoman with 5 or 6 toys in it. There was a bowling ball set that was in there,  for as long as I can remember.  It was hard to play on that crazy blue carpet though! The pins wouldn't stand up, on their own for very long.  I also remember a teddy bear, it smelled like the pipe ( sigh ).
We would hang out and eventually, my Granddad would come back (with an apron on ) and round us all up.  THIS IS THE PART I LOVE......We would sit around a huge table.  My Grandparents added card tables, so we were all able to sit together.  We even had lawn chairs at the end. It didn't seem odd then!  That's a lot of people to sit!  My Dad said the prayer and we would  eat all that yummy food.  My Aunt Betty always made a pistachio salad.  I'm sure some of the other aunts had something special they brought each time, but I only remember that dish. My Grandparents always had whip cream in the can too! I remember the sound it made, while if foamed small peaks and mountains, onto slices of pie. There was a lot of talk and laughter.  I remember the warmth of the sun that streamed through the big picture window.  I don't remember ever being cold at my Grandparents house, it was always warm there.    
It was idyllic.... Memories lit with the glow of the past, resembling old photographs.  I hold them close to me.  I won't forget where love gathered. Oh, how I'd bargain.... to return for a moment.... to look through the window..... and catch a glimpse of that girl....the girl that KNEW.. that everything  important... was in that room. Life was simple and perfect... if only for the moment.
This picture makes my heart hurt... I miss my Grandma so much! ( 1977 )
 ( 1978 )
12 of the 17! ( 1979 )
Blue carpet and a silver Christmas tree!  Oh... I also see a lawn chair!

( 1980 )
We are blessed!  I have an amazing family!  Thank you for the sweet memories. I treasure and love each of you! 
Have a happy week!

Thursday, October 30, 2014

He's Sixteen!

 It's hard to believe I became a mom 16 years ago! I wanted to be a mommy, for as long as I can remember! I will never forget the miracle of pregnancy.  It is such a precious and incredible experience.  There is nothing more amazing than feeling your baby move around in your big round belly. I LOVED being pregnant..... but, I could not wait to hold my baby in my arms.  I will never forget that first night in the hospital.  I propped him up on my knees and just looked at him in the moonlight.  I was in awe of how much I loved him.
Spencer Tate first born.  You made the dream come true!... and so much more than I ever imagined!
It seems like yesterday, you were chasing me around the house with a lightsaber!... and NOW, girls are chasing you!... KEEP RUNNING!  Hot wheels have been passed down..... with high hopes of your own wheels!..... Bittersweet milestones for this momma!
We are so blessed to have you for our son.  You make us proud...every single day!  You are such an amazing young man. Happy Birthday....
  We love you!!! 


October 26th, 2014

 The balloons looked like KU colors in the bag!
 Thatcher helped me make birthday signs and hide the balloons.  It was fun sneaking all those balloons in his room before he woke up!

My handsome 16 year old!