Thursday, September 25, 2014

Peanuts and rocks

When Thatcher was about two and a half, he came in the bedroom and told me, that he had put a peanut in his nose.  I questioned him several times since,  1) we rarely had peanuts at our house, and  2) he was two, and a little hard to understand sometimes.  I looked up his nose and didn't see anything.  I thought perhaps, I misunderstood him.  He seemed fine and resumed playing throughout  the morning.   He ran to me again later, and said his nose hurt.  So I asked him again, what happened and he told me, that he put a peanut up there.  So, I pressed on the outside of the bridge of his nose, and I got a big "owwww", and teary eyes.  I took a flashlight and held him upside down, so I could see inside his nose better....and I saw it!  Waaaaayyyyyy up in the nasal cavity!  I tried to use some tweezers, but it was too smooth, and they just slipped off.  I tried holding one side of his nose closed, and blew in the other side...... basically, I tried the tips, that Google gave me. It was too far up.
...... off to the doctor.  Our doctor is amazing and we love him.  But, he had doubts that there was really a peanut up there. Hey! My two year old said there was... and there is! So, he checked  him out and thought it looked like snot up there.... then he said "oooohhhh.... I DO see a peanut!"  So, he got his handy dandy (scary) looking LONG tweezers out.  He explained to Thatcher what he was going to do.... AND his tweezers kept slipping off that darn peanut too!  He didn't want to hurt Thatcher or have this be a big traumatic event for him.  So... we got to drive to the Nose, Ear & Throat specialist.... in Wichita.... THAT afternoon.  We had to wait about an hour, once were there... it was turning into a long day!  The specialist checked his nose, confirming what we told him.  Our next step was to strap him down on a board..... oh boy!  They had him wrapped up,  and the nurse held his head.  This doctor, also had some long, scary looking tweezers, but they had a little hook on the end!  Took about 10 seconds!  What a relief! It was one of the biggest peanut halves, I had ever seen! They has a huge bulletin board there, with all the things they've removed from little peoples noses and ears!  Pretty impressive what some children were able insert!  
 Poor little guy!   We've had a lot of talks since,  about NOT putting things in our nose (or ears!). We also called him Peanut for a while.

Imagine our dismay, when we walked in the living room, just in time to see Addy, eat one of Thatchers prized rocks!  Yes, this happened about 5 days ago.  She saw us, and rushed to cram it in her mouth and swallow it, before I could get to her.  That in itself, was a funny little site.  She's only 19 months old and she's a pretty smart cookie. I stuck my finger in her mouth frantically, as it was descending down her throat.  I ran to my old friend  Google and also called a couple friends and our favorite doctor (the same one from the The Great Peanut Escapade). Everyone assured me that it would pass in a couple days.  So... for the next several days, we poked through poopy diapers....ughhh!  (Remember that I'm a germ-a-phob!) She pooped a lot!  She has a very big appetite, and we were glad that she seemed to be fine.  She STILL hadn't passed in after 4 days! I was getting very concerned.  I resorted to giving her even more fiber and also putting a little coconut oil in her juice. Gunar became concerned that we didn't go through the poop thoroughly enough.... so, he drug all the trash out and went through all the diapers again.
I could not be part of that.
 He came up empty handed. So, he started getting her ready for bed. He had to change yet another poopy diaper and low and behold... there is was... shining like a pearl, in a big pile of poo!  Fifteen minutes after my superhero husband went through several day old diapers!  What a man!!  We were rather impressed with the size of it!  Thank goodness it was a very smooth rock.
 On a side note: Thatcher doesn't want it back! 

Let me end this by saying.... We are very good parents!  However, children are very quick!  SO.... be aware, that every time you turn your back, is an opportunity for you to have your own great peanut or rock adventure!!!
Have a great day! 

Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Still Growing... and learning!

Yesterday was my sweet husbands birthday.  I wanted to do some extra little things to make it special. Thatcher decided that Daddy should have a birthday cake. He thought he should have a party too!  We agreed on the cake... and we went to buy one. We decided to take it to him at work.  I had big plans to take him a pizza too. Forget the pizza... it was almost 11:30 and I needed to drive 30 to 35 minutes!  It was a fun surprise!  I called him from the parking lot and said, "I wish you'd come kiss me" and he said "me too!", so I said "Well, come on out here!".  He was surprised to see us there.... and I got a kiss! The guys he worked with, were really happy about the cake!
I've been challenging myself each day (even the extra tired days!) to do some extra, little things to show my husband how much I love him.  Those things came quite easily in the early days of our marriage,... and without much thought!   Life has a way of interfering with things! Even just taking the time for a meaningful  kiss, when he gets home, is something I have to remind myself to do.  I need him to know that after almost 20 years, HE is still the one I love completely.  I'M ALL IN! 
The newness of falling in love is exciting, and consuming.  But, the sweet familiarity of a true and faithful love is pretty amazing, as well.  To know that we are in it together... no matter what....well, there just aren't many words for that.  I am a sucker for romantic movies.  I love the swell of the music and the happy ending. There are several movies, that I could watch over and over.  I turn the volume up at the end, get goosebumps and happy tears.  Spencer and my husband make fun of me, ('cause I tell them not to ruin the ending!).  They make fun of me, because I already KNOW the ending!  Those kind of  movies, remind me of when love was brand new and thrilling. It gives me a glimpse of that giddy feeling again. 
After 20 years, there is a still such a sweetness and thankfully.... I have a romantic husband.  He knows I love the wordy, lovey cards.... and, he sends flowers.... for no reason!  He is all about grand gestures.... and I do love those gestures. But, I love the little gestures too. He can still make me giddy and take my breath away! I remember when we were first married, I was getting ready to go out and I couldn't find my boots.  I remember saying (to myself), that I must have left them in the car.  He appeared a short time later....with the boots.  I think that touched me, (and stayed with me)  because I KNEW, he was listening to me. 
Dr. Phil (I know!) says, the #1 reason most people stray from their marriage, is that someone else makes them feel important.... listens to them.  That sounds like such a simple, silly little thing.  But, that is one of the reasons falling in love is so thrilling.... someone listens to everything we say... and with great enthusiasm!.....they make us feel like the most important person in the whole world!
I want him to always KNOW that he is the most important person in my world.
Marriage needs to be tended to, prayed over, and guarded.....(Wise words from my pastor).

Marriage changes.... it can't stay the same.  People change.... and if you expect different relationships (friends, family) to change from time to time... you have to expect it of your marriage. I'm thankful that my husband doesn't expect me to be the same person he married almost 20 years ago!  Where would we be today if we expected that of each other?!  I DO expect him to keep the vows he made to me.  I DO expect his unconditional love.  I DO expect grace and forgiveness. I DO expect him to be here, day after day.

I'm not an expert (on any topic!)  but I think our society has changed our expectations of people. There appears to be an emphasis on making sure WE, are happy all the time.  There seems to be a lot of emphasis on how other people make US, feel.  Where is the accountability in that?  Why is it fine to blame others for our unhappiness?  What role do we play in the reality of our own life?  I am tired of the blame game. Yes, it is easier to have a villain in your life....One who gets all the blame... deserved or not.  I think making someone else the villain..... makes it easier to walk away. Makes it easier not to look at what we don't want to see in ourselves.

I have learned and I'm still learning....(yes, took me many years), that I need to stop wallowing in my own self pity, sometimes,  and look for MY accountability in whatever is happening right then.  It is very hard to stand in another persons shoes, when you want to kick them in the pants with them!  It's very hard to look at another perspective, when you are completely sure that you are right! It is almost impossible to have ears to hear something that goes against every fiber of your being.
 Oh, I'm a stubborn one... so, I know!

But, my love for him is more...
 and I want him to know that!

I love this link to "31 Days of Praying for your Husband"

This was a good day.  Is it ALWAYS! Is it WORTH it... yes!  Thank you for reading my ramblings! Sometimes, I get off on rabbit trails.  This blog really just started out about his birthday!!!!

Happy Birthday Baby!