Wednesday, April 30, 2014


On August 14th, 2005, when Spencer was 6 years old... I took him out of children's church early, so he could watch a couple of his friends get baptized.  He had many questions for me over lunch that afternoon and after talking and reading bible verses, Spencer made the decision to pray and ask Jesus for forgiveness and salvation. We were so excited to witness Spencer being baptized this past Sunday, by his youth director. I'm thankful for God's hand in his life and guidance with the choices he makes.  He is such an amazing young man.  I'm thankful for answered prayers and help from God each and every day. Some days are better than others, and Sunday was a very sweet day!

One funny note:  Thatcher yelled "Spencer is all wet!".... gave our church family a good laugh!

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life.   John 3:16
Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me".   John 14:6


I sent a private video to family and friends. If you didn't get it and would like to see if,
please e-mail me.

Happy Wednesday!!!!




Thursday, April 24, 2014


If you viewed the "Interview with Thatcher" video.... you know that Thatcher has been talking about having a surprise birthday party for awhile now.  He wanted a race car theme as well.  So, we decided to make that happen.  I was a little worried about how he would react when everyone actually jumped out and yelled "SURPRISE!!!".   Daddy took him to McDonald's while I decorated.  Everyone hid their cars and then we tried to hide some 20+ adults and kids!  He was definitely surprised!  He really didn't know what to do!  He ended up kind of melting into the arms of his big Bubba. 

Here are some pictures from the party.

It was a fun night.  Some of the cousins had "balloon fights", we took silly pictures in front of the big Lightening McQueen backdrop, had ice cream & cupcakes and a lot of fun chatting with family! I can't believe he is 4 years old! He is a funny, sweet, precious blessing in our lives!



Wednesday, April 16, 2014

We believe in Miracles!

Someday soon, I will write about our story of how we received Thatcher.  We always believed our God is big and that He can move the mountains.  Sometimes, it can be very painful and seem like an eternity, until those mountains move!!!  He showed us big things when He brought us Thatcher. Our lives will never be the same.  He took us on a journey and showed us a miracle. 
 Happy Birthday Thatcher! 


We are having a small family party today and a big surprise party on Friday.  I will have many party pictures to post later! 
This song about Faith & Miracles makes my heart sing!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Spencer - Trumpet

Spencer started taking band in 5th grade.  We were so happy he decided to continue through middle school and now, high school.  He plays in the Marching Band, as well as the Jazz.  We have enjoyed going to concerts over the last 5 years.  Everyone knows us, since Thatcher is always really excited to see his big bubba.... and usually tries to get his attention, during the few quiet times of the concert!  Spencer acts embarrassed, when everyone laughs,... but, he secretly loves it! 
Here is a video of Spencer playing with the Jazz band at College Hill Coffee, this past winter.   He was a little nervous to play a solo part, but he did really well.  It made me a little teary watching him and how grown up he appears.... wasn't it just a blink of an eye?!  Well, it seems that way to me!


He also has been learning the guitar and seems to be a natural.  Maybe I will have a video of that to post sometime soon!  Happy Monday!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Praying Scaredy Cat & Crafts

Do you ever wake up with your heart racing and you feel frantic? Sometimes, I put my husbands arm over me and try to go back to sleep, but many times, I wake up again... still frantic.  When that happens, I have to jump up and check all my children and then walk around the dark house a couple minutes.  My husband makes fun of me, because I go to every window and peak out... just to make sure things are okay! He calls me Gladys Cravis ( the nosey neighbor from the show Bewitched ) Only then, I can try to settle back into my bed.  I am usually wide awake at this point, and it becomes a good time for thinking, prayer and finally sleep.  That happened to me last night and it took me a long time to get back to sleep. I am a BIG scaredy cat! I love my sleep, but I don't like the darkness. I think that's why I consider myself a night owl.  I like to stay up late (and sleep late! ).  So, I have a long time of prayer. I pray for everything! That's the good thing about being wide awake, your thoughts are more organized! I know I can ask God to calm my heart and mind and He does.  I also think about verses I've read. I always sleep really well after a night like this. I feel rested & renewed. Here are a couple verses that I looked up this morning.  
 John 14:27
"I am leaving you with a gift-peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don't be troubled or afraid.
Isaiah 12:2
See, God has come to save me.
I will trust in him and not be afraid.
The Lord God is my strength and my song;
he has given me victory."
Psalm 18:2
The Lord is my rock, my fortress, and my savior;
my God is my rock, in whom I find protection.
He is my shield, the power that saves me,
and my place of safety.

We don't do big elaborate crafts, but I like to do little crafts with my kids when we can.  Spencer really liked it when he was little.  We made lots of magnets,  Popsicle projects and foam animals and pictures!  I found these cute little foam project packs at Dollar General, so Thatcher and I made them up a couple days ago.  He calls them his animal puppets and has had fun playing with them... who knew?  I don't anticipate them lasting a long time.  I sooo love that time with just us... talking, laughing and making something fun. I learned how fast that time that my "baby" is 15!  Here are a couple pictures of our puppets and also a light box , I made for my cute preggers friend.  (This is for you, Billie.....who's e-mail does not like me and will not let her open pictures of it!)

Have a happy day!! 

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Has it really arrived? Are warm sunny days here.... FINALLY?!  SOOOO nice to feel the sun on our face and the warm air!  I LOVE days like this, when we can get out on the deck. 
They both have funny expressions in this picture,
 since I was making them both "sit & be still!" 
Yep, cool in my pj's
We also had the opportunity to help daddy with some yard work:
 I don't even know what this face is!
 Sometimes daddy is fun and goofy too!!
And two people that make me smile....... 
they bring such joy to my heart and life!
Happy Thursday!!!